Creating NFTs with Smart Contracts and Python Brownie

In our previous article about the Non-Fungible tokens, we explained about the methods of ERC-721. In this tutorial, we are going to use those methods to write the simple_collectible.sol smart contract and deploy it on the Rinkeby chain. In other words, we are going to create NFTs with Python Brownie tools. But before that, we also want to connect our test wallet to in order to create an account in OpenSea which is a marketplace for NFTs.

Creating NFTs with Python Brownie

In this tutorial, we are going to use those methods to write the simple_collectible.sol smart contract and deploy it on the Rinkeby chain. But before that, we also want to connect our test wallet to in order to create an account in OpenSea which is a marketplace for NFTs.


To begin writing our smart contract, we have 2 options:

1. Use Brownie not mix by typing the below command in the terminal: brownie bake nft-mix And we will see all the necessary files with scripts in them are created.

2. Start Brownie from scratch: mkdir simpleNFTcd simpleNFTbrownie init To better understand NFT smart contracts, we start from scratch. Now, let’s begin writing the smart contract of our NFT:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.6;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";

contract SimpleCollectible is ERC721 {
	uint256 public tokenCounter;
	constructor () public ERC721 ("Dogie", "DOG"){
		tokenCounter = 0;

	function createCollectible(string memory tokenURI) public returns (uint256){
		uint256 newTokenId = tokenCounter;
		_safeMint(msg.sender, newTokenId);
		_setTokenURI(newTokenId, tokenURI);
		tokenCounter = tokenCounter + 1;
		return newTokenId;

Notice that we have used safeMint and setTokenURI from @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol that we had imported at the beginning of our contract and we should also add it to the dependencies of the brownie-config.yaml file. Now, let’s deploy our contract using the below scripts at file:

sample_token_uri = "ipfs://Qmd9MCGtdVz2miNumBHDbvj8bigSgTwnr4SbyH6DNnpWdt?filename=0-PUG.json"
OPENSEA_URL = "{}/{}"
def main():
    account = get_account()
    simple_collectible = SimpleCollectible.deploy({"from":account})
    tx = simple_collectible.createCollectible(sample_token_uri,{"from": account})
    print(f"Awesome, you can{OPENSEA_URL.format(simple_collectible.address,
    	simple_collectible.tokenCounter() - 1)}")

Also, don’t forget the file in the scripts folder:

from brownie import accounts, network, config, Contract
from web3 import Web3

LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENVIRONMENTS = ["hardhat", "development", "ganache", "mainnet-fork"]

def get_account(index=None, id=None):
        if index:
		return accounts[index]
	if network.show_active() in LOCAL_BLOCKCHAIN_ENVIRONMENTS:
		return accounts[0]
	if id:
		return accounts.load(id)
	return accounts.add(config["wallets"]["from_key"])

The complete brownie-config.yaml file:

	- OpenZeppelin/[email protected]
	- smartcontractkit/[email protected]

			- '@openzeppelin=OpenZeppelin/[email protected]'
			- '@chainlink=smartcontractkit/[email protected]'
dotenv: .env
	from_key: ${PRIVATE_KEY}
		fee: 100000000000000000
		vrf_coordinator: '0xb3dCcb4Cf7a26f6cf6B120Cf5A73875B7BBc655B'
		link_token: '0x01BE23585060835E02B77ef475b0Cc51aA1e0709'
		fee: 100000000000000000 # 0.1

And our .env file:

export PRIVATE_KEY=' Paste your private key here'
export ETHERSCAN_TOKEN=' Your API Key goes here'

Now that we have set everything up, it is time to compile our project: brownie compile Result: Brownie v1.18.1 - Python development framework for EthereumCompiling contracts... Solc version: 0.6.6 Optimizer: Enabled Runs: 200 EVM Version: Istanbul Generating build data... - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/ERC165 - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/IERC165 - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/SafeMath - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/ERC721 - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/IERC721 - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/IERC721Enumerable - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/IERC721Metadata - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/IERC721Receiver - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/Address - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/Context - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/EnumerableMap - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/EnumerableSet - OpenZeppelin/[email protected]/Strings - SimpleCollectible Project has been compiled. Build artifacts saved at /home/mohamad/NFT-Simple/build/contracts And deploy our NFT smart contract: brownie run scripts/deploy_and_create --network rinkeby Result: Brownie v1.18.1 - Python development framework for EthereumNftSimpleProject is the active project.Running 'scripts/'... Transaction sent: 0x4e328bf153e05a1fc06fd4060ca447ede90e7f8337e737c16508674cd6c7a951 Gas price: 1.000000061 gwei Gas limit: 2017295 Nonce: 67 SimpleCollectible.constructor confirmed Block: 10499268 Gas used: 1833905 (90.91%) SimpleCollectible deployed at: 0x657191536F5C1ec2EcfA1bD9bD4e14Ca8047F7bcTransaction sent: 0xfba6f759c7619d09a1339c975c51073846d2409c473c4f65889870cd9eae48a2 Gas price: 1.000000061 gwei Gas limit: 279109 Nonce: 68 SimpleCollectible.createCollectible confirmed Block: 10499269 Gas used: 253736 (90.91%)SimpleCollectible.createCollectible confirmed Block: 10499269 Gas used: 253736 (90.91%)Awesome, you can view your NFT at As you can see, we have successfully created our NFT and we can see it using the link given in the terminal.

Wrapping Up

In this tutorial, we have managed to write the different parts of the simplest NFT project, from the smart contract to the deployments and dependencies, configurations, environment variables, and so on. In the end, we deployed the contract on the Rinkeby test network.

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