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Working with Crowdfunding on Etherscan Using Brownie and Solidity

Working with Crowdfunding on Etherscan Using Brownie and Solidity

In this tutorial, we are going to implement the crowdfunding project folder and compile it. Then we are going to interact with the compiled and deployed crowdfunding contract on the Etherscan. There are a number of scripts that we are going to work on. They are,, brownie_config.yaml, Fundme.sol, and .env file. Crowdfunding on Etherscan: the Essentials If you have read the solidity smart contracts tutorial, you can remember how we wrote the FundMe.sol contract and how we deployed...
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Crowdfunding Smart Contract on Mainnet and Other Networks: A Perfect Tutorial

Crowdfunding Smart Contract on Mainnet and Other Networks: A Perfect Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to write the complete scripts for the crowdfunding smart contract and organize the files related to the deployment of the smart contract in their own folders. We are also going to create a .env file to keep the private key and Infura project ID somewhere safe. In addition to that, the config file is going to help us categorize different networks with their account addresses. Crowdfunding Smart Contract: Where to Start? To start writing...
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Using Brownie for Interacting with Aave Protocol (Borrowing & Repaying)

Using Brownie for Interacting with Aave Protocol (Borrowing & Repaying)

This article is about what to do for using Brownie for Aave protocol after depositing WETH in the Aave lending pool. In our next step, we will try to borrow some Dai. To do this, we should add some dependency contracts to the contracts folder such as AggregatorV3Interface.sol and LinkTokenInterface.sol. We should also modify the and brownie-config.yaml files to adapt to our new functionality. Adding the necessary contracts to the contracts folder In this 3rd part of the tutorial,...
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Using Python Framework Brownie for Interacting with Aave Protocol

Using Python Framework Brownie for Interacting with Aave Protocol

In this tutorial, regarding the Aave protocol, we are going to interact with the Aave protocol using Brownie. The first step is to swap ETH with WETH which is necessary when we want to deal with Aave. This lending and borrowing protocol, accept WETH instead of ETH. We add WETH (Wrapped Ethereum) to our Metamask wallet and also create the project folder for interacting with the Aave protocol. After the first (which was swapping ETH with WETH), it is now...
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Introduction to Brownie-mix: A Boilerplate for Important Smart Contract Projects

Introduction to Brownie-mix: A Boilerplate for Important Smart Contract Projects

In this article, we are going to get familiar with Brownie-mix as a boilerplate for blockchain projects in python. Using this boilerplate with the Brownie bake command will help you have so many of the dependency contracts provided for that specific project. There is also a complete brownie_config.yaml file provided with a complete list of networks. Some ready python files such as and are provided for you. Introduction to the Brownie-mix When we were examining how to deploy...
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How to Interact with the Aave Protocol Directly + Testnet User Interface

How to Interact with the Aave Protocol Directly + Testnet User Interface

In this tutorial, regarding the Aave protocol, we are going to connect our Metamask to the Aave website to be able to interact with the Aave protocol directly. Then, we will switch to the Testnet. We will also get some Kovan ETH from the Chainlink Kovan faucet. Using the test ETH we have got, we will deposit it, withdraw Dai, and then finally pay back all the funds. What Is Aave Protocol? Aave is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that...
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Harmony Blockchain: Getting Familiar with It Using Python

Harmony Blockchain: Getting Familiar with It Using Python

In this article, we are going to get familiar with the Harmony blockchain. and install the dependencies such as Docker to be able to connect to the Harmony blockchain. After installing everything and connecting to the blockchain, using the Python scripts, we will get some data from the shard of the Testnet. What Is Harmony Blockchain? Harmony is a powerful blockchain platform designed to ease and facilitate the development of Dapps. The innovation of Harmony in decentralized applications is based...
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How to Set Up the Dependencies For Running Local Terra: All You Need to Know

How to Set Up the Dependencies For Running Local Terra: All You Need to Know

In this tutorial-based article, we are going to set up the dependencies for running Local Terra. So, you will be guided through all the installations and commands necessary to start your interaction with local Terra smart contracts. Installing Go, Docker, Terrad, and git cloning local Terra, as well as terra-core repositories, are some of the main steps we are going to take in this tutorial. Installing the Dependencies For running local terra the main step is to install all of...
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How to Use Solidity for Funding in Blockchain: A Flawless Tutorial

How to Use Solidity for Funding in Blockchain: A Flawless Tutorial

This article aims to introduce Solidity language as a tool to write smart contracts. For the ease of the audience, it begins with Remix IDE to write the Solidity scripts. In this article, we are going to see how data types are defined in Solidity and learn how to work with Remix IDE. In addition to that, we are going to write a very simple smart contract to store and retrieve data. Besides, we're going to show how to use...
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How to Deploy A Smart Contract Using Python Web3 Tools: A Full Coverage

How to Deploy A Smart Contract Using Python Web3 Tools: A Full Coverage

In this tutorial, we are going to see how we can interact with smart contracts using Solidity outside of the Remix IDE. To do this, we should somehow do the process of executing transactions and deploying the contracts with a programming language and a module. Web3 modules provide means for serving our purpose through JavaScript or python. We are going to deploy a smart contract using Python web3 tools and use VS code as our IDE. Essentials for Using Python...
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