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Arashtad Blog

Getting Started with Decentralized Apps (Dapps) Using Python

Getting Started with Decentralized Apps (Dapps) Using Python

If you have ever heard of blockchain, bitcoin, web3, etc, you are most probably familiar with the word Dapp. Dapps or Decentralized applications are web3-based apps that operate autonomously using smart contracts. A simple example of Dapp is a wallet that is connected to a blockchain like Ethereum and operates the transactions automatically without the need for any third-party organizations or central servers. In this article, we are going to get more familiar with the Dapps using Python. Using Python...
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ERC-20 Event and Function + Sample Smart Contract

ERC-20 Event and Function + Sample Smart Contract

In this article, we are going to analyze the ERC-20 event and function deeper and get familiar with the building blocks of any ERC-20 smart contract. Learning these methods and events will help us write the smart contract of our desired token. Throughout this article, you will see the functionalities of all the smart contracts that we wrote for creating an ERC20 token in the last article. Functions and Event of all ERC-20 contracts: In general, every ERC-20 token has...
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How to Share Your Scripts on GitHub: A Useful Intro

How to Share Your Scripts on GitHub: A Useful Intro

GitHub is a well-known social network for coders and developers to share their latest developments and modifications. This social network or code-sharing platform enables users to share their scripts publicly or privately. Throughout this tutorial, you will see how you can share your scripts and the latest development on GitHub. It is also worth mentioning that you can share whatever you want on GitHub, on Gitlab as well. Sharing Yours Scripts on GitHub Sharing your code is an important step...
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How to Interact with the ERC-20 Smart Contract

How to Interact with the ERC-20 Smart Contract

In this tutorial we are going to run the ERC-20 smart contract deployment on the Rinkeby chain and see the actual token created in our Metamask wallet. After you create and deploy your ERC-20 smart contract, you will be able to see that this token is added on the Rinkeby Etherscan, and by adding the address and specifications of the token, you can add it to your wallet and also you will be able to do the same on Uniswap...
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How to Create an ERC-20 Token + Writing Smart Contract

How to Create an ERC-20 Token + Writing Smart Contract

In this tutorial, we are going to get familiar with the methods and events of the ERC-20 token. In addition to that, we want to create an ERC-20 token on the Rinkeby Testnet. By writing the smart contract, the deployment python file,, and other files that help the creation and deployment of the ERC-20 token smart contract. This tutorial will go on in the next articles where we will explain the ERC-20 smart contract deeper and provide guidelines to...
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Using Brownie to Switch between Different Networks

Using Brownie to Switch between Different Networks

In this article, we are going to switch between the different available networks we can connect to, using Brownie. Then, we'll write a statement in the to connect to the network requested in the terminal by the user (the developer). This kind of script for network management makes it easy for us to connect to any network that we want at any time it is required for testing and other purposes. How to Switch between Networks As you know,...
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Testing Script Using Brownie: A Full Analysis

Testing Script Using Brownie: A Full Analysis

In this post, we will complete testing our script using Brownie in more detail so that we can see if there is any problem at all. And if there is, we can analyze it in more detail. This kind of detailed test and code analysis becomes handy, especially when the code is too long and complex that we cannot so easily understand where the unexpected result originates from. Detailed Testing Using Brownie For more detailed testing, we can...
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How to Interact with Smart Contracts Using Brownie

How to Interact with Smart Contracts Using Brownie

After installing and working with Ganache CLI, we are going to interact with simple storage smart contracts Using Brownie. Meaning that we want to store and retrieve a value within the contract. After doing this you will see how simple and efficient Brownie is compared to other methods in python. We are also going to use testing modules to test the functionality of the contract and its deployment. Using Brownie to Interact with Smart Contracts In the previous section of...
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Using Ganache CLI with Brownie to Deploy A Smart Contract

Using Ganache CLI with Brownie to Deploy A Smart Contract

In this article, after installing Brownie, we are going to install the Ganache CLI (Command Line Interface) and use it with Brownie. The Ganache CLI is the same as Ganache IDE with the difference that it automatically runs without the need to open the Ganache IDE. At the end end of this tutorial, we will be able to deploy our smart contracts on top of Ganache CLI simulated blockchain. Installing Ganache: To continue our journey with Brownie, we need to...
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How to Install and Use Brownie to Deploy A Smart Contract

How to Install and Use Brownie to Deploy A Smart Contract

In this article, we are going to install and use Brownie as a much simpler tool to deploy Solidity smart contracts using python scripts. Throughout this tutorial, we will install Brownie, create a Brownie project folder and deploy the simple storage smart contract. You will see that the whole process is done much easier and faster with Brownie rather than python scripts. Install and Use Brownie to Deploy A Smart Contract We have learned how to deploy our smart...
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